Over 15 years in the making...
Mizzen Marketing Celebrates 15 Years
Over 15 years ago, on March 1, 2005, Mizzen Marketing officially opened for business. Since then, a lot of things have changed (most of our friends have gotten older) and some things have stayed the same (the Cowboys still haven’t won a Super Bowl). And during that time, Mizzen has enjoyed great success, thanks to our wonderful manufacturer and dealer friends.
We look forward to an exciting future together as our industry continues to grow and change.
Thank you!
~ Dave

David Taylor
Managing Member

Lisa Peveler
Vice President & Regional Manager – Central

Steve Cole
Regional Manager – North

Keith Futch
Regional Manager – South
Keith Futch >>

Nichole Martinez
Operations Manager

Doug Hall
Director of Technology
As a lifelong sailor, Dave Taylor learned early on that the only way to get anywhere under sail was to continuously evaluate the existing wind and water conditions, factor in the boat’s capabilities and then work cooperatively with all the elements – as they constantly varied – to reach the goal of a safe landfall. The basics of sailing hold true whether you’re playing around a fishing pond on a Sunfish, or blue-water cruising on the lovely Wishing Star, an Alberg 35 yawl pictured above.
Mizzen Marketing applies similar principles to supporting the varied interests of our manufacturer and dealer partners toward creating a mutually satisfying and profitable relationship with each other and the end-user.
The pay-off for the sailor was beautifully described by the author, E.B. White, when he wrote:
“If a man must be obsessed by something, I suppose a boat is as good as anything, perhaps a bit better than most. A small sailing craft is not only beautiful, it is seductive and full of strange promise and the hint of trouble.
the Sailor continues…
If it happens to be an auxiliary cruising boat, it is without question the most compact and ingenious arrangement for living ever devised by the restless mind of man–a home that is stable without being stationary, shaped less like a box than like a fish or a girl, and in which the homeowner can remove his daily affairs as far from shore as he has the nerve to take them, close hauled or running free–parlor, bedroom, and bath, suspended and alive.”
E.B. White

The pay-off for Mizzen Marketing is the satisfaction of helping develop and maintain revenue opportunities for our manufacturer and dealer business partners by working obsessively for their mutual benefit.
~ Dave Taylor